Got a few days off? Get a facelift
The Star.com, December 20, 2008
Dr. Copeland talks to The Star.com about why the holidays are a popular time of year for plastic surgery.
The holiday season is the season of happy new year, happy new you, happy new face according to the dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons who are seeing a burgeoning business.
Dr. Michelle Copeland, cosmetic surgeon and author of The Beautiful Skin Workout (St. Martin's Press) agrees that the economy is having an unexpected upside for business. "One sure thing to invest in is yourself and, especially with older people having to go back in the job market, looking better has never been more important," says Copeland, whose practice is in New York. As one woman put it, even before the crash of the housing market and economy, "I have $30,000 and I can invest in renovating the house or renovating myself. I chose myself."