Summer Skincare Tips From a Top Doc!
Teen Vogue, July 6, 2009
Dr. Michelle Copeland shares her top summer skincare tips with Teen Vogue's Beauty Blogger.
"Your skin has different needs depending on the month. During the summer, the glands produce more oil, so switch to a product that's not so moisturizing. The zone around the nose and down towards the mouth contains a lot of glands, so you probably want to go easy on it all year round. People often wonder whether they should stop exfoliating during the summer because they think the dead skin is protecting them from the sun. While it's true that surplus surface cells offer a slight shield against rays, that benefit is outweighed by the greater gain you'll get in encouraging cell turnover. Always wear SPF to protect from the harsh UVA/UVB rays of the summer months. Apply sunscreen every day to your skin and lips. An easy way to remember your sunscreen is to use a daily moisturizer with SPF built right in! Sunblocks containing clear zinc oxide offer both UVA and UVB protection with the added benefit of the antioxidant properties of zinc.
When I buy anything, from a new tube of mascara to a loaf of bread, I always read the ingredient panel. You don't need to be a biochemist to pick out certain ingredients to avoid: fragrances, dyes, and forms of silicone. They don't increase an item's efficacy, so it doesn't make sense to put an unnecessary element on your skin. In addition, check to be sure that your skincare items have been allergy tested. While many products contain alcohol, teens should try and avoid products that have rubbing alcohol as the primary ingredient, because these products can strip away your natural oils and end up dehydrating your skin."
Visit drcopelandskincare.com to learn more about Dr. Michelle Copeland (and her new book!).